
7 Humanly Empowering Ways To Keep Your Business Running

Your organization may be divided into different segments.  By service, by product, by division/department, by business unit, geographical, or others.  Each one of them will have teams that comprise of at least one or more individuals.  These individuals have specific skillsets and provide service and support to your customers, users and stakeholders within your organization. 

If you experience a service disruption that has high impact on your internal and/or external customers, it is expected that you have the policies and processes in place to deal with such a disruption. You may need to bring in subject matter experts from other teams or third-party vendors to diagnose, investigate, look at root cause, possible fixes, test, and hopefully arrive at an ultimate plan to restore services.

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Business Success Relies on Good Culture

Positive Culture is the Foundation of Any Successful Business

Positive Culture is the Foundation of Any Successful Business
A successful organizational culture is built upon a combination of factors that collectively shape the values, behaviors, and practices within a company. Dr. Jessica Kriegel of Culture Partners points out from a Stanford University study she managed that revenue growth in strong culture companies is 4 times that of weak culture companies. She clearly makes the case for having a strong culture and the benefits of this. 

Positive Culture is the Foundation of Any Successful Business Read More »

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