HDAA’s online and fully searchable Resources Knowledge Base provides subscriber and member access to deep insights on contemporary Service and Support issues across the industry. It does this through the addition of new material to the Knowledge Base each week via articles, white papers, reports, surveys and more.

Our Knowledge Base allows you to stay abreast of key developments across the industry without having to invest personal time and effort into the gathering of such information.

Types of Resources Available

Monthly e-Newsletter – HDAA “Inside Support” eNewsletter is a free service delivered to all members and non-member subscribers. The newsletter is not only informative but acts as an alert service highlighting latest industry articles and white papers which cover a wealth of news, trends and research for best practice.      SUBSCRIBE TO HDAA’S NEWSLETTER

Articles and Member Only Articles – Industry relevant articles are uploaded each week with many articles already available in the archive. Our ‘Featured Articles’ are open access. ‘Articles’ are available to our e-newsletter subscribers and all other articles are available to HDAA members only.

Reports – HDAA provides a number of industry reports throughout the year derived from a number of sources. In particular you will get access to the HDI Industry Survey Report.

Templates and Advanced Templates – Access dependant on membership level

Advanced ITIL Process TemplatesOther Templates
   Incident Management Process, Policy & Procedures  Job Descriptions
   Problem Management Process, Policy & Procedures  New Product Support Evaluation Worksheet
   Change Management Process, Policy & Procedures  ITIL Service Definition & Configuration Record
   Release & Deployment Management Process & Policy  Post Implementation Review
   Service Asset & Configuration Management Process, Policy & Procedure  Operational Level Agreement Sample
   Service Level Management Process, Policy & Procedure 
   Major Incident Management Process Template 

Member Request (MR) Outcomes – Your HDAA membership makes you part of a rich community of like-minded ITSM professionals. We harness the power of our member community to bring you collaborative guidance and the answers you’re looking for on a variety of key topics.
When HDAA receives a Member Request (MR) for advice from a member, we manage and coordinate its definition, distribution, collation, analysis and response. These become published ‘MR Outcomes’ which are distributed to all members as a major source of collective information, knowledge and experience. You don’t know what you know until you’re asked a question.

Webinar Recordings – content-rich, Webinar Recordings covering industry best practice, emerging trends and service leadership. Presented by top industry experts, these webinars keep service and support professionals up-to-date on key issues and offer training on concepts critical to support organisation effectiveness.

Workshop Downloads – HDAA Workshops are recorded and made available to members on the completion of a round of workshops.

Service Desk Calculators – Estimating – or justifying – a Service Desk’s staffing requirements needs to take into account a number of factors and considerations that vary from organisation to organisation. Use these tools to help calculate the running costs of the Service Desk, the cost per incident to the organisation or the number of staff required.

KCS Resources – An accumulation of KCS information, calculators and case studies to assist your KCS journey.

Metrics Guides – This set of books outlines a common framework for managers to benchmark and measure performance metrics within their organisations.
Each booklet is broken down by its relationship to the Balanced Scorecard Model; a common definition; the method of calculation; and its impact on the organisation.

Focus Books – Published by HDI, the Focus Book Series expands and delves deeper into some of the most popular Service Management topics. Each short, easy-read publication focuses on a specific subject to give you actionable items on initiatives such as service catalogue’s, marketing the help desk, handling difficult customers and establishing service level agreements.

KPI Bulletins –  These HDI resources provide you with everything you need to know about common Service Desk metrics. Within each Key Performance Indicator (KPI) bulletin a metric is defined, with key points about the use of the metric, the formula for calculating it if applicable, the source of the metric and what HDI research has to say about the metric.


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